Work environments can contain a myriad of sources that produce unwanted chemicals (VOCs) in the air. Couple that with insufficient ventilation and the resulting air breathed by building occupants can affect productivity, work quality and worker health.

Prism offers a comprehensive portfolio of air testing for VOCs. This allows for detailed investigations that are determined by the specific issue. In addition to these customizable tests, Prism offers VOC air quality testing used for LEED® certification and the IAQ Commercial Survey. IAQ Commercial Survey is a simple but comprehensive air test that can determine the extent of unwanted chemicals (VOCs) and it also predicts the sources of these chemicals. By knowing the sources, an action plan can be developed and implemented that will lead to a healthier work environment.
Eliminating unwanted chemicals creates better quality air. This leads to increased worker productivity, job satisfaction and an overall healthier work force.
Test Options
We offer many different analysis options to cater to your specific needs. Contact us to discuss your IAQ concerns to determine which analysis is best for your company.
IAQ Survey Analysis View Sample Report >
Specific Compound Analysis View Sample Report >
Broad, 500+ Compound Analysis View Sample Report >